
Waste Water Technologies

Wastewater treatment is a vital link in the recycling of water resources.  The demands on performance and effluent quality of wastewater treatment facilities have increased substantially in order to comply with higher standards to protect human health, to clean up rivers and lakes, and to provide needed resources for drinking water and industrial uses. In addition to the removal of oxygen consuming compounds of carbon and nitrogen, it has become increasingly important to remove inorganic nutrients such as nitrates and phosphorous.

Asset or Liability – Can you tell the difference?



Wastewater Calculator


CF 600sm

Clearflow System

ClearFlow Systems provide a continuous batch treatment process, fully automated and completely adaptable format. Process rates up to 1,600 gallons per hour, with exceptional ease of operation.


Ozone Systems

High output ozone generation, up to 240 g/hr in either a circulation or aeration format for the reduction of organics, BOD and COD, coagulation of solids and destruction of bacteria.

Nanobubble 1

Nano Bubble

Patented Carbon Ceramic Nano Bubbler technology provides the smallest nano bubble at the highest concentration available – 1,000,000,000 Nano Bubbles into a cubic centimeter.

WRO3 280 NB


The WRO3 NB represent the latest advancements in water treatment technology, using patented Nanobubble technology to facilitate increase dissolved oxygen.


Thermal Evaporation

SAMSCO EVAPORATORS have been a proven solution to most wastewater disposal problems. Their design provides consistent operation, minimal clean-out, high efficiency, and low maintenance.


Flash Evaporation

Flash Evaporate Up to 3,600 gallons per day via RGF Thermo Oxidizers. Clarified waste water is atomized into a dry ceramic refractory lined chamber. Minimize off-site trucking!!!

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